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VERIGO was founded in year 2006... It is exactly what most about us pages start with, isn't it? And then there goes a story about development, achievements and, of course, market leader.
Нам кажется, что все это не важно. Мы или делаем свою работу хорошо, и вы это знаете, или какая разница сколько у нас медалей, и как долго мы на рынке.
We think, that it all doesn't matter. We either do our job right or count our medals.
All that matters is that we are really well up in wine. Therefore, we bring only wines, that we enjoy ourselves and gift to friends. And that's the reason, why we are 100% sure in our wine's quality.
So this text is certainly about a company.
A company of good friends, with whom it feels nice and simple, reliable and confident.
Over the years, we've learned to choose right suppliers. Those, who are responsible for each batch of wine produced. Those who care about reputation more than superprofits. And now it seems that we succeeded.
Therefore, in our assortment there are mainly world brands with international recognition.
We also learned the right customer service. Yes, as it turned out, this also needs to be learned. And now there are no situations when we do not find a way out.
That is why most of our clients have become our good friends and partners.
Finally, we can’t help but boast that the vast majority of employees have been working in the company since its foundation.
And this is also about trust, stability and reliability.
Вы всегда можете быть уверены, что Ваша компания – самая важная для нас. И это не зависит от объема отгрузки.
Мы всегда на связи. Телефон у менеджеров всегда включен, почта автоматически обновляется. А если у Вас остались вопросы или предложения – просто напишите нам, и Вы обязательно получите ответ. Еще ни одно письмо, которое приходит на наш электронный адрес info@verigo.ru не осталось без ответа.